October 03, 2022

Wearing sleep pants to Wal-Mart on shopping day is not necessarily a good thing. But wearing pajamas on Official Pajama Day in grade school is a hugely positive thing. Unless of course, you don’t have pajamas. Such was the case in the very first Official Pajama Day of Kindergarten.

She was five. At home she slept in her older brother’s t-shirts…attire never appropriate for Official Pajama Day. As the kids filtered into the classroom there she sat; in the corner; head down; eyes on the floor. She was the only one. She was without.

The quick-thinking teacher turned to the counselor. This was not her first day in the lives of those without. Emergency Kindergarten Girl Pajamas to the rescue.

The teacher whispered and the little girl darted out of the room, returning a few moments later in the most beautiful, fluffy pjs. “Look at me!” she shouted to the room. “I have pajamas on Pajama Day!”

A tear found its way to the teacher’s eye. It was a magical day once again when one without found her place with.

And hope found its seat at the Kindergarten table.


Care For Kids


Care For Kids